Issue - decisions

Leader's Urgent Decision - School Budget Shares (Dedicated Schools Grant) 2019

11/02/2019 - Leader's Urgent Decision - School Budget Shares (Dedicated Schools Grant) 2019


1.1.        To approve the Local Authority formula for allocating resources to Hammersmith & Fulham schools for 2019/20 as set out in Appendix 1, the Authority Proforma Tool (APT) for setting school budgets.


1.2.        To approve the NFF transitional factors (as set out in Appendix 1 and explained more fully in Appendix 2) as the basis for calculating the 2019/20 schools funding formula, together with a 0.5% per pupil Minimum Funding Guarantee (MFG) protection for individual schools versus 2018/19 funding levels.


1.3.        To approve the dis-application request to transfer £1m (0.97% of the total schools block allocation) from the schools block to the high needs block in the 2019/20 financial year.


1.4.        To approve one off falling rolls protection is awarded to schools with greater than 5% but no more than 20% role reduction year on year to allow support to schools as action is taken to mitigate or reverse the impact of the falling roll, excluding schools where there is a pre- known roll reduction because of a bulge class ageing out.   That £74,624 be allocated to the schools listed below:


School Name

2019/20 £

Ark Swift Primary Academy


Fulham Primary


Old Oak Primary


Queen’s Manor School and Special Needs Unit


Fulham College Boys School




Unallocated Funding



1.5.        To approve a provision of up to £148,000 within the remaining unallocated falling roles provision in paragraph 2.4 to provide falling roles protection for one academy secondary school subject to achieving a good or outstanding Ofsted rating in the next financial year in line with government regulations for falling roles financial support.


1.6.        To approve that the Cabinet Member for Children and Education be delegated decision-making authority with respect to the remaining falling roles provision up to £148,000, on recommendation of the Director of Children’s Services and in consultation with Schools Forum.


1.7.        To approve £706,000 of schools’ block budgets be allocated to maintained schools through the Authority Proforma Tool are de-delegated back to the local authority in line with 2018/19. Dedelegation is the process in Schools Finance regulations whereby delegated schools funding is returned to Council control.

Proposed De-delegation

Proposed 2019/20 Budget £

Maintained Schools in Financial Difficulty/Contingency


Maintained Schools Trade Union Cover


Maintained Schools Maternity Cover Fund


Maintained Schools Licence Fees


Behavioural Support (SEND)


Free School Meals Eligibility


Underperforming Ethnic Groups


