Issue - decisions

Modernisation of 6no. passenger lifts, Springvale Estate W14

06/02/2019 - Modernisation Of 6 Passenger Lifts, Springvale Estate W14 (Thackeray Court A&B, Elgar Court, Calcott Court, Bronte Court, Walpole Court)

1.    That approval be given to award a contract for replacement of the lifts on the Springvale Estate to Liftec Lifts Ltd in the sum stated in the exempt report for an anticipated contract period of 45 weeks. Following off-site design and fabrication of the new lifts the works are expected to start on site on 3rd June 2019, with a completion date of 23rd December 2019.


2.    That approval be given to the inclusion of the contingency sum stated in the exempt report in the overall budget, making a total sum for approval as stated in the exempt report.


3.    To note that this award is subject to completion of consultation with affected leaseholders under Section 20 of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1985.