Issue - decisions

Leader's Urgent Decision - Direct award of MyAccount system for provision of self-service

30/11/2018 - Leader's Urgent Decision - Direct Award To Agilisys To Continue The Myaccount System For Provision Of Self Service

1.    The report asks that the Leader agrees to waive Contract Standing Order (CSO) 10.2 to advertise and CSO 11.2 to competitively tender the software.  The waiver sought under CSO 3.1 because such an award is in the council’s overall interests and is demonstrated to be such that a departure from the CSO’s is justifiable for the reasons set out in Section 3 of this report.


2.    That the Leader of the Council approves the award of contract to Agilisys to continue to deliver the MyAccount service from 1st November 2018 to 30th April 2019at a total cost of £180,000. The expenditure will be funded from an s106 provision as detailed in section 4.2 & 9.