Issue - decisions

2017/18 Corporate Revenue Outturn Report

10/07/2018 - 2017/18 Corporate Revenue Outturn Report

1.    To note, subject to audit, the General Fund overspend of £1.660m net of unused budgeted contingency. This has reduced to a consolidated net break even position through draw down of additional section 106 resources of £1.6m.


2.    To note the provisional HRA variance is £0.052m (table 2). Overall HRA general balances have reduced by £10.183m to £9.946m. This is attributable to the budget variance of £0.052m, the budgeted use of balances of £1.382m and the transfer of £8.749m to specific reserves.


3.    To note that general fund earmarked reserves are £94.99m and general balances are £19.0m as at 31st March 2018, subject to audit.


4.    To note the capital outturn of £73.6m.