Issue - decisions

Financial Plan for Council Homes: The Housing Revenue Account Financial Strategy, 2018/19 Housing Revenue Account Budget and 2018/19 Rent reduction

07/02/2018 - Financial Plan For Council Homes: The Housing Revenue Account Financial Strategy, 2018/19 Housing Revenue Account Budget And 2018/19 Rent Reduction


1          To endorse the revised long term 40 Year Financial Plan for Council Homes as set out in paragraphs 4.19 – 4.22 of this report.


2          To approve the Housing Revenue Account 2018/19 budget for Council homes as set out in Appendix 1.


3          To note the 1% reduction in rents.


4          To approve an increase to equity share rents, which fall outside the Government’s requirement to reduce social housing rents by 1% each year, of CPI (3.0% as at September 2017).


5          To approve an increase in tenant service charges of CPI (3.0% as at September 2017).


6          To endorse the HRA Medium Term Financial Strategy which plans to deliver further on-going annual revenue savings of £0.70million per annum from 2019/20, rising to £0.8million per annum by 2021/22, with savings coming principally from better stock condition and better customer service.


7          To note that Thames Water Authority is not due to confirm the increase in tenants’ water charges until the end of January 2018, and therefore to delegate authority to the Director of Finance & Resources (Regeneration, Planning & Housing Services) in conjunction with the Cabinet Member for Housing to agree the average increase in water charges.


8          To approve a freeze in the communal heating charges.


9          To freeze the rates for parking charges on council estates.


10       To freeze garage charges for council tenants and resident leaseholders and to increase them for others in line with inflation (3.9% in line with the August 2017 retail price index).


11       To note the risks outlined in Appendix 6: Key Risks, of this report.