Issue - decisions

2017_18 Corporate Revenue Monitoring Month 9

07/03/2018 - Corporate Revenue Monitor 2017/18 Month 9 - 31st December 2017

1.    To approve the decision making in relation to production of final accounts to be delegated to the Strategic Finance Director in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Finance.

2.    To approve the proposed virements requests in appendix 11.

3.    To approve the consolidation of corporate reserves in line with the categorisation shown in appendix 13.

4.    To note that officers are putting in place additional financial controls in response to the forecast overspend.

5.    To note primary consideration will be given to the use of departmental reserves for to mitigate any year end overspends, the decision making on this is delegated to the Strategic Finance Director in consultation with Cabinet Member for Finance.

6.    To note that no budget underspend carry-forward requests are agreed.

7.    To note that month 9, will be the last Corporate Revenue Monitor Report before the year-end.