That approval be given to the development of the
provision on the Queen’s Manor site as proposed below,
subject to the appropriate Listed Building Consent and Planning
2. That approval be given to contribute up to £6m. That Cabinet gives approval to delegate authority to the Strategic Director of Finance to agree the mixture of funding (Section 106, capital receipts or borrowing).
That approval be given to agree the sum of
£241,000 to fund project and specialist resources to
facilitate the development of the Resource Centre service
That approval be given to the appointment of 3BM
Education Partners as design authority and project managers to
oversee the project for the design and build of the provision.
These works are supplemental to the original contract with 3BM and
will be managed accordingly.
That approval be given to delegate to the Cabinet
Member for Children and Education, the appointment of a
construction contractor up to £5m, subject to: i) a fully regulated procurement process having
been followed; ii) the scope being agreed; iii) the costs being
within budget and no more than 10% of the pre-tender
6. That the Cabinet note that the establishment of a new facility will generate revenue growth which will be reported through the Smarter Budgeting programme and approved through the Medium Term Financial Strategy.