Issue - decisions

Hammersmith & Fulham Local Plan: Proposed submission

05/07/2016 - Hammersmith & Fulham Local Plan: Proposed Submission

1.            That endorsement be given to the proposed submission Local Plan (see amended Appendix 1 published with the supplementary agenda) and changes to the Proposals Map (see Appendix 2), with a view that the documents and other associated submission documents required by the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012 (‘the Regulations’) are commended to full Council for approval and made available for a minimum 6 weeks for public consultation commencing on 22 July 2016 or as soon as possible thereafter.


2 .        That the Director of Planning and Development in consultation with the Cabinet Member forEnvironment, Transport & Residents Services, is authorised to approve any  technical and other minor amendments to the submission documents:


a) before public consultation; and


b) after, or in response to, public consultation, and before submission to the Secretary of State for independent examination.


3          Following public consultation and the incorporation of any technical and other minor amendments to the submission documents, that authority is delegated to officers to submit the proposed submission Local Plan to the Secretary for Examination and to take such further steps as are appropriate and in accordance with the Council’s statutory duties.