Issue - decisions

Parking on Housing Estates - Phased Rollout

09/03/2016 - Parking On Housing Estates - Phased Rollout

1.1.        To approve the introduction of Traffic Management Orders (TMOs) where resident consultation supports this as the favoured approach for Phase 2 and 3 consultations.


1.2.        To approve a borough wide TMO that permanently restricts parking to  incorporate all areas of hard standing where no formal parking is provided to ensure that these areas can be kept clear of obstructive parking at all times.  (Example addresses listed in Appendix 1).


1.3.        To note the TMOs will be aligned as a minimum to the Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ) hours of operation immediately adjacent to the estates, and residents advised accordingly.


1.4.        To agree the implementation of physical controls where TMOs are not supported by residents or are not suitable.


1.5.        To give delegated authority to the Cabinet Member for Housing, and the Cabinet Member for Environment, Transport & Residents Services to agree any changes to the proposed implementation schedule should this be required in response to changes to local parking stress, or to amend the list of addresses included as Appendix 1 as necessary.


1.6.        To give delegated authority to the Cabinet Member for Housing, and the Cabinet Member for Environment, Transport & Residents Services to review the outcome of any further engagement work required where initially resident opinion is divided, and decide upon the options to be pursued and the timeline for implementation.


1.7.        To approve expenditure as a budget of £2.4m for the borough wide rollout of parking controls across the remaining housing sites, to be financed from the Housing Revenue Account (HRA).


1.8.        To approve the commencement of Phase 3 of consultation as set out at Appendix 1, to commence April 2016.