Issue - decisions

Business Inteligence

04/01/2016 - Business Inteligence

Decision taken by the Cabinet Member on: 11 December 2015


1.      To fund a consultant for 3 months, at a cost of around £35,000, to develop a business case that sets out options and costings for a BI operating model for LBHF.


2.      To meet the shortfall in funding for the Head of BI post for 2015/16, at a cost of £15,000, created by the loss of income (£30,000 year) from the pilot..


3.      To fund four graduate attachments for a year, at a cost of around £24,000, to provide additional capacity and free up existing capacity to focus on higher value work, service development and commercial activities.


4.      Tha the remaining underspend (£36,000) is held, pending the development of the  business case, for any potential investment in LBHF’s BI service.  The target is to present the business case to Cabinet in January 2016.