Issue - decisions

To Appoint A Contractor To Deliver Shared Services Domestic Violence Perpetrator Pilot

16/11/2015 - To Appoint A Contractor To Deliver Shared Services Domestic Violence Perpetrator Pilot

Decision taken by the Cabinet Member on: 24 September 2015


1.    To approve a waiver to H&F Contract Standing Orders (under CSO 3) for the requirement to complete a competitive tendering exercise (advertise the opportunity and seek 3 quotations)  according to the requirement under CSO’s 11.2, and allow the award of a contract to deliver a pilot scheme to increase the identification of and interventions with perpetrators of domestic abuse for reasons set out in section 3 of this report.


2.    That the Cabinet Member approves the appointment  of Domestic Violence Intervention Project (DVIP) a registered charity (No. 1083549) to deliver the pilot scheme which will run from 1st October 2015 to 30th September 2016 at a total cost £50,000 to the Council, with the funding being provided by MOPAC.            


3.    That the Cabinet Member agrees to delegate the decision to extend the pilot scheme up to a period of 12 months to the Director of Safer Neighbourhoods. This is conditional upon costs not exceeding a further £50,000 (should such funding become available to the Council after September 2016) and that the scheme has delivered the outcomes detailed at section 5 of this report.