Issue - decisions

Commissioning and Procurement Strategy for Children's Centre Services for Hammersmith and Fulham

09/03/2016 - Commissioning and Procurement Strategy for Children's Centre Services for Hammersmith and Fulham

1.1       That the application of the Council’s Standing Orders (CSO) be waived and for Cabinet to approve the direct award contracts to the existing service providers from 1st April 2016 up to  31st March 2017 with the scope to extend up to  a further year if required.  The maximum lifetime value of each of the 12 contracts will not exceed £572,000 (see appendix 1).


1.2       That Cabinet delegates authority to the Cabinet Member for Children and Education to approve:


              i.        any further actions necessary to ensure that the Council meets its statutory duties for the provision of children’s centres and;

            ii.        any further extensions to the contracts to existing providers to run up to, but no longer, than 31st March 2018.