Issue - decisions

Award of a Contract for provision of a Contact Centre

10/05/2016 - Ongoing Provision Of Corporate Contact Centre Services And Online My Account Portal

1.1.        That the council award a contract to Agilisys Ltd for daytime and out of hours contact centre services, commencing on 1 November 2016 initially for 12 months, with an option to extend for a further 12 months, based on the same terms and conditions as those set out in the HFBP Services Contract.

1.2.        That the council award a contract to Agilisys Digital for the online My Account portal, commencing on 1 November 2016 initially for 12 months, with an option to extend for a further 12 months, based on the same terms and conditions as those set out in the HFBP Services Contract.

1.3.        That the contact centre services require unbudgeted growth, which is to be funded by virement from unallocated contingencies, be noted.

1.4.        That a specific budget is to be created for the My Account services within Corporate budgets (it has in the past been funded from corporate unearmarked funds), be noted.

1.5.        To delegate the commercial close of the contracts to the Cabinet Member for Commercial Revenue and Residents’ Satisfaction.