Issue - decisions

Contract Variation Hammersmith Park Sports Facility

09/07/2015 - Hammersmith Park Sports Facility

2.1       That approval be given to the following variations to the Council’s contract with PlayFootball for the development and provision of sports and leisure management services at Hammersmith Park namely:


·            The new sports and associated facilities at Hammersmith Park (namely ten 5-a-side football pitches,  a clubhouse with pavilion and park café, a small car park,  two refurbished tennis courts and MUGA).


·            That the 35-year lease and concession awarded to PlayFootball on 18th July 2011, signed and executed noon 28th September 2012, be amended to a management agreement for  a period of 7 years, with an option to extend for a further 7 years subject to a review that demonstrates that PlayFootball have delivered the contract terms. 


·            That the revised contract term commences 31st July 2015.


·             Cabinet commits the council to consulting with the residents if there is to be any change to the arrangements proposed in this report in the future


·            The Final Negotiated Terms of opening hours and financial business plan will be delegated to the Leader of the Council, the Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Arts in consultation with the Executive Director for ELRS.