Issue - decisions

Implementation of a new website content management system

28/04/2015 - Implementation of new website content management system with new shared hosting arrangements

1.1.        That the replacement of the current website content management system and the implementation of a new responsive accessible design with the procurement of new shared web hosting arrangements, be approved.

1.2.        That approval be given to the operating model to share a hosting provider across Westminster, Hammersmith and Fulham and Kensington and Chelsea.

1.3.        That the procurement route using call off from G-cloud, be approved.

1.4.        That approval be given to RBKC acting as the contracting authority and the implementation of an Inter-borough service agreement to apportion costs.

1.5.        That the total implementation costs of £413,670 be met from the IT Strategic Fund (£0.250m)  and Efficiency Projects Reserve (£0.164m), be agreed.