Issue - decisions

Approval to establish a framework for the provision of new temporary accommodation and enter into a Development Agreement to develop Lavender Court

09/07/2015 - Approval to establish a Framework for the Provision of New Temporary Accommodation and Associated Management Services

1.1         That approval be given to establish a framework for the provision of new temporary accommodation and management services. The framework is divided into two lots: Lot 1 involves the construction and management of accommodation on Council owned land; Lot 2 involves the framework panel sourcing and procuring existing properties from the open market and leasing them to the Council for the provision of short term accommodation.


1.2         That the appointment of Tando Property Services Limited and Hill Holdings Limited to the framework for the provision of services under Lot 1, be agreed.


1.3         That the the appointment of Tando Property Services Limited, Hill Holdings Limited and Mears Ltd to the framework for the provision of services under Lot 2, be approved.


1.4         That the feasibility work for the redevelopment of Lavender Court as it has been identified as outdated and the site is under-developed and can accommodate a significantly higher number of residential units, be approved.


1.5         That the undertaking of a mini-completion under Lot 2 for the provision of additional 50 units suitable for the provision temporary accommodation, be approved.


1.6         That approval be given to delegate authority to the Cabinet Member for Economic Development and Regeneration, in conjunction with the Cabinet Member for Finance, the Lead Director of Housing and  the Director of Planning, Regeneration and Growth to agree any outstanding terms or amendments to the legal documents in advance of the establishment of the framework agreement.


1.7         That approval be given to delegate authority to the Cabinet Member for Economic Development and Regeneration, in conjunction with the Cabinet Member for Finance and the Lead Director of Housing to approve the initiation of future framework mini-competitions for procurement of additional temporary accommodation to meet the Council’s requirements.


1.8         That approval be given to incur additional professional fees to establish the framework agreement as set out below:


·                  An additional £10,000 for legal work to be undertaken by Sharpe Pritchard

·                  An additional £5,000 for procurement management work to be undertaken by Lambert Smith Hampton

·                  Contingency of £5,000


1.9         That approval be given for additional professional fees of up to £20,000 for ongoing legal, property and technical advice to the Council post the establishment of the framework agreement.


1.10      That the considerations which would arise if the Council were to undertake directly the development and acquisition which are the subject of this report; these are set out in paragraphs 5.24 - 5.25 and 8.10 to 8.15, be noted.