Issue - decisions

Hire of vehicles: passenger transport services 2010-2011

15/02/2010 - Vehicle hire: passenger transport

1.       That the Council calls-off the hire of specialised vehicles required for the statutory SEN home-to-school transport service from a supplier on the ESPO framework contract.


2.       That the hire arrangement for these vehicles runs until the end of the school academic year, July 2011.


3.       That, on urgency grounds, the award of this contract, likely be valued at around £350,000 for a 12-month period and around £500,00 for an 18-month period, be delegated to the Directors of Finance & Corporate Services, Residents Services, and Children’s Services.


1.       That these Directors be authorised to agree payments in advance to the successful contractor if this is deemed to be in the Council’s financial and legal interests.