Issue - decisions

Abolition of Charging for Home Care Services

04/02/2015 - Abolition of Charging for Home Care Services

1.1       That that abolishment of charging for home care services provided to customers of the Borough on 31st March 2015, be approved.


1.2       To note that for services delivered up to 31st March 2015, charges will still apply, and that these charges be pursued for a period of 3 months ending 30 June 2015, be approved.


1.3       To write-off total estimated outstanding home care debt of £133,000 as at 1st July 2015 and delegate authority to write-off the debts to the Executive Director of Finance and Corporate Governanceand Deputy Executive Director and Director of Finance and Resources, Adult Social Care and Health.


1.4      To request additional provision for bad debt of £91,000 from Corporate Finance from the bad debt provision account.