Issue - decisions

Building Schools for the Future - Programme Procurement Phase and Next Steps; Capital Expenditure on Schools

31/03/2010 - BSF - delegation of powers to proceed with procurement process

1.  That authority be delegated to the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Children’s Services and the Director of Finance and Corporate Services, to take the necessary steps to progress the following recommendations contained within this report:


a)     Delivery of the co-location of Cambridge School with Adult Education and Youth Services on the Bryony site;


b)     Approval of the Long List (up to 3 bidders) following the evaluation of responses to the Pre-Qualification Questionnaire (PQQ) and approval to issue the Invitation to Participate in Dialogue documentation;


c)      To take decisions to progress the BSF procurement programme to the next stage of the procurement process, Invitation to Participate in Dialogue Phase 1 (IPD1), including the approval of the Short List of no more than 2 bidders to take forward into the following  stage of procurement, Invitation to Participate In Dialogue Phase 2 (IPD2), following the evaluation of the submitted initial solutions;


d)     Approval to continue dialogue into Phase 2 (IPD2) of Competitive Dialogue with the short list of bidders, to further develop the submitted initial solutions with bidders through to the Close of Dialogue and the submission of Final Bids (the appointment of a Selected Bidder through to Financial Close will be subject to a Cabinet decision);


e)     Procurement of additional Technical, Financial, Legal and Client Design Advisor support services to support the BSF programme, where required, within existing resources.

  2. That authority be delegated to the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Children’s Services and the Director of Finance and Corporate Services, to take the necessary steps to progress the following recommendations contained within this report:-


a) to amend the scope and priority of schemes within the Primary Capital Programme and identify substitute schemes as necessary, to address any operational circumstances during 2010/11 to deliver the Council’s objective of providing a quality primary phase education;


b) to approve financial sums to develop PCP schemes through procurement within the financial parameters set out in this report.


c)  for the Programme Director and the Cabinet Member for Children’s Services to develop and take the necessary steps to implement the Children’s Services Revenue Maintenance Programme for 2010/11.