Issue - decisions

Corporate Services - shared Legal Services business case report

04/12/2014 - Corporate Services - shared Legal Services business case report

1.1       To note and agree the business case and thereby create an integrated Legal Services across the three Boroughs, subject to staff consultation.

1.1.1   That the following posts are deleted with effect from 31 January 2015:

- Bi-borough Director of Law (H&F and RBKC) – 1 FTE

- Head of Legal and Democratic Services (WCC) – 1 FTE

1.1.2   That a new post (1 FTE) of “Director of Law” is created from 31 January 2015.

1.1.3   To continue to review and optimise the mix of in-house and outsourced service delivery within Legal Services as well as explore options for sharing and selling our services beyond the three boroughs, to realise the vision of becoming a leading public sector legal services business.

1.2       That the Chief Executive of Westminster City Council for WCC, the Town Clerk for RBKC and the Interim Chief Executive of Hammersmith & Fulham, be authorised to enter into the s113 Agreement in respect of Legal Services on the terms set out in Appendix 2 or such other broadly similar terms as they, in consultation with the relevant Director of Law, considers appropriate. 

1.3       That the Chief Executive of Westminster City Council in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Corporate and Customer Services in WCC, the Town Clerk in consultation with the Leader of the Council for RBKC and Interim Chief Executive in consultation with the Leader of the Council for LBHF, be authorised to approve hosting arrangements for legal services and make any ancillary decisions to enable the services to operate effectively as a shared services.