Issue - decisions

Housing Estate Improvement Projects -Tender

18/11/2014 - Housing Estate Improvement Projects -Tender

Decision made by the Cabinet Member on: 17 November 2014


1.      That approval be given to contract a suitably qualified and experienced organisation to provide a ‘landscaping and architectural’ service for a 5 year term commencing in April 2015.


2.      That the successful contractor be expected to provide added value through sourcing additional funding to supplement HRD’s annual budget for the improvement projects to mirror the existing arrangement with Groundwork.


3.      To note that the contract will be a term contract, reviewed annually with no guarantee that a budget will be available for any given year with fees payable to the contractor in the range of £15-25k per annum (to be funded from the overall budget envelope of £220k from which any programme of capital schemes are also payable).