Issue - decisions

Funding For Working From Anywhere Accelerated Projects

21/10/2014 - Funding For Working From Anywhere Accelerated Projects

Decision by taken by the Cabinet Member on: 5 October 2014


Part 1


1.      That the Cabinet Member for Finance (LBHF) approves:


i.    The release of £91,333 from the Efficiency Projects Reserve for completion of the Working from Anywhere Accelerated Projects; and


ii.    the governance structure as outlined in section 4 and Appendix C of this paper


2.      It is recommended that the Cabinet Member for Finance and Strategy at the RBKC approve:


i.      The release of £91,333 from the Transformation Reserves for completion of the Working from Anywhere Accelerated Projects; and

ii.     the governance as outlined in section 4 and Appendix C of this paper


3.      It is recommended that the Strategic Director for Housing, Regeneration and Property at WCC approve:


i.        The release of £91,333 from the Transformation Reserves for completion of the Working from Anywhere Accelerated Projects; and


ii.     the governance as outlined in section 4 and Appendix C of this paper


Part 2


4.     That Programme Definition be reconsidered for approval following the outcome of the Critical Friends Review as set out in para. 1.9 above.


Part 3


5.     That Option B is progressed (proceed with Accelerated Project work and defer Programme Definition work until the outcome of the Critical Friends Review is known).