Issue - decisions

Enhanced policing report

04/12/2014 - Enhanced policing report

1.1.          That the current contract between H&F and  MOPAC for the purchase of additional policing resources (36 officers) be extended until 31March 2015.  (The budget for 2014/15 was set on the assumption that the existing contract would be extended to March 2015, and s106 funds have been identified as sources. The £642,000 cost of the extension will therefore be met from existing approved budgets, subject to formal allocation of S106 funds.)


1.2.          That approval be given to a new three year Enhanced Policing Model for the borough, which increases the Council funded police resources by 22%, from 36 to 44 officers (from 1st April 2015 to 31st March 2018), at a cost of £4,735k for the three year contract.  (A three year period is to suit MOPAC planning. No details are available yet for costs for 2018/9 but the Cabinet is recommended to note the possible requirement for an additional £1,630k if the contract were extended for a fourth year).


1.3.          To note the possible requirement for an additional £1,630k of funding if the contract were extended for a fourth year. 


1.4.          To note that it is probable that all costs can be met from S106 agreements, but where s106 funds are being relied upon which are not yet in the possession of the Council they will initially be funded from Council Reserves, creating a reserve specifically for policing, which will be reimbursed if and when those s106 funds are received.


1.5.          That approval be given to a new model of local policing whereby the local authority supplements the Local Policing Model by increasing the number of named ward officers and introduces a social inclusion role for them.