Issue - decisions

Supporting People Domestic Violence Service Contract Extensions And Variations

15/09/2014 - Supporting People Domestic Violence Service Contract Extensions And Variations

Decision taken by the Cabinet Member on: 5 September 2014


1          That approval be given to the extension of the Shepherds Bush Housing Group Domestic Violence Floating Support contract from 1 October 2014 to 31 March 2015 as set out in Table 1 of the report  and to vary the contract as set out below at a total cost of £33,501 in 2014-15:


i.              From 1/10/14 to 31/3/15 reduce the capacity of the contract from 40 households to 20 households.


            ii.          For the period of 1/10/14 to 31/12/15, reduce the annual contract value      from    £144,544 to £73,593.16 (pro rata).


            iii.         For the period 1/1/15 to 31/3/15, reduce the annual contract value from      £73,593.16 to £60,412.84 (pro rata).


2          That approval be given to extend the Hestia Housing and Care Domestic Violence Refuge Contract from 1 October 2014 to 31 March 2015 at a total cost of £70,612 as set out in table 1 below.


Table 1


Contract start

Contract end

 Current Expiry Date

Proposed extension

Current annual contract value

Total extension value

Shepherds Bush Housing Group – Floating Support


30/4/2013 with option to extend for 2 X 12 month periods



1/10/14 -31/3/15





Hestia Housing & Care - Refuges


31/3/2014 with option to extend for 2 X 12 month periods



1/10/14 -31/3/15



