Issue - decisions

TfL funded annual integrated transport investment programme 2015/16

08/10/2014 - TfL funded annual integrated transport investment programme 2015/16

1.1      That approval be given to carry out feasibility design and consultation on projects C1 to C3, E1 to E4 and L1 to L3 (identified in the body of the report) at a total cost of £91,500 (approximately 15% of the total capital project cost, and all charged to the capital project) as set out in paragraph 5.2 (forms part of the £1,711,000).


1.2      That authority be delegated to the Cabinet Member for Environment, Transport and Residents Services, in consultation with the Executive Director of Transport and Technical Services, to approve the implementation of projects C1 to C3, E1 to E3 and L1 to L3 (identified in the body of the report) totalling £518,500 (forms part of the £1,711,000), subject to favourable outcome of public engagement and consultation.


1.3      That authority be given to carry out feasibility design and consultation on a borough wide 20mph speed limit at a total cost of £200,000 as set out in paragraph 5.2 (forms part of the £1,711,000).


1.4      That authority be given to utilise £200,000 to contribute to the £2m plus Shepherd’s Bush Town Centre West major project that is approved by Cabinet and construction currently underway as set out in paragraph 5.3 (forms part of the £1,711,000).