Issue - decisions

Former General Smuts Public House,95,Bloemfontein Road,London W12 now known as ' the Egyptian House '

11/12/2013 - Former General Smuts Public House, 95 Bloemfontein Road, London, W12 now known as ' the Egyptian House '

1.1       That approval be given to the disposal of the Council’s interest in 95 Bloemfontein Road to the incumbent lessee subject to the Council  ensuring that a satisfactory scheme of redevelopment has been satisfactorily completed.


1.2       That authority to negotiate and complete the detailed terms of the transaction be delegated to the Executive Director of Finance and Corporate Governance, the Director of Law, the Executive Director of Housing and Regeneration and the Director of Building & Property Management, providing that the terms achieved represent Best Consideration in compliance with s 123 Local Government Act 1972.


1.3       That if the head of terms are not agreed with a 12 month period, then the Council may withdraw the offer to negotiate.