Issue - decisions

Four Year Capital Programme 2014/15 to 2017/18

04/02/2014 - Four year capital programme 2014/15 to 2017/18

1.1.    That General Fund Capital Programme budget at £49.3m for 2014/15, outlined in Table 4, be approved.


1.2.    That the continuation of the reduction in CFR which based on current forecasts will reduce to £66.5m by 31st March 2015, be noted.


1.3.    In respect of capital receipts for 2014/15 that the:


·         application of £9.5m capital receipts to the reduction of CFR (Table 2) be approved;


·         continuation of the rolling programme schemes funded from capital receipts amounting to £6.23m set out in Table 5 be approved;


·         capital receipts funded schemes within Decent Neighbourhoods Programme (Housing and Regeneration) for 2014/15, be approved, as follows:


o   Housing Revenue Account projects £25.8m;

o   Decent Neighbourhoods projects £42.7m.

This totals £68.5m per Table 6b.


·         existing capital receipts funded schemes (approved in 2013/14) but now scheduled for 2014/15 are as follows:


o   The Schools Capital Programme £6.6m;

o   Grants to Social Landlords (Hostel Improvement) £60K;

o   Relocation of HAFAD[1] to Edward Woods Community Centre and Related Refurbishment Requirements £308K, be noted.


1.4.    That the Decent Neighbourhoods Programme for 2014/15 as set out in Table 6a (section 7) of the report including the indicative capital expenditure budget 2014/15 of £91.6m funded from capital receipts of £68.5m with the remainder of £23.1m funded from other sources (also included within the programme is the budget envelope of £48.4m for 2014/15 for investment in existing Council Homes via the HRA Capital Programme), be approved;


1.5.    That the annual Minimum Revenue Provision policy statement for 2014/15 in Appendix 5 be approved;


1.6.    That the CIPFA[2] Prudential Indicators as set out in Appendix 6 to the report, be approved.

[1] Hammersmith & Fulham Action for Disability

[2] Chartered Institute of Public Finance & Accountancy (CIPFA)