Issue - decisions

A Water Management Policy for Hammersmith & Fulham

14/11/2013 - A Water Management Policy for Hammersmith & Fulham

That, subject to available resources, the Council:

a)     implements, where it has yet to do so, the recommendations of the Flooding Scrutiny Task Force report of July 2012 as they relate to water management;

b)     includes the recommendations of this Policy in the ongoing update to the surface water management plan;

c)      develops a highways sustainable drainage policy to set out the context and options available with a cost and delivery time frame;

d)     develops green infrastructure (GI) and sustainable drainage policies (SuDS) in each client department, in order to promote the uptake of GI and SuDS, and considers implementing GI and SuDS in all capital schemes;

e)     requires all capital scheme approvals to consider the implications for flood risk and to assess the costs and benefits of installing sustainable drainage;

f)        undertakes an assessment to determine whether there are any current opportunities for parks and green spaces to include flood risk mitigation measures;

g)     identifies a list of potential integrated water management and sustainable drainage projects for further evaluation and/or implementation across the whole range of Council assets and seeks third-party funding wherever possible to help bring these to fruition;