Issue - decisions

Disposal of 87, Lime Grove

15/10/2013 - Disposal of 87 Lime Grove

1.1     That authority be given for the Council to vacate the building at 87 Lime Grove after October 2013 and for tenants who still require support to move to more suitable buildings.

1.2     That authority be given for the building at 87 Lime Grove to be disposed of once vacated at best consideration reasonably obtainable and that the details of the sale be delegated to the Director of Law and the Director of Building and Property Management, be approved.

1.3     That authority be given to H & F Community Support Service to extend their existing Service Level Agreement with Nottinghill Housing to include 33 Boscombe Road, be approved.

1.4     That the costs of a short programme of building works through the Community Capacity Grant up to a value of £15,000 to ensure the building at 33 Boscombe Road is fit for purpose and meets the needs of vulnerable people, be approved.

1.5     That an additional £25,000 spend from the Community Capacity Grant to be used to make improvements to fire safety at 17 Rivercourt Road, be approved.