Issue - decisions

Relocation of HAFAD to Edward Woods Community Centre and related refurbishment requirements

23/07/2013 - Relocation of HAFAD to Edward Woods Community Centre and related refurbishment requirements

1.            That approval be given to the works, at an estimated cost of between £333,500 and £457,930, to be funded from Section 106 or should this not be available from capital receipts.


2.            That any further approvals be delegated to the Cabinet Member for Community Care in conjunction with the Executive Director for Finance and Corporate Governance


3.            That accommodation be let to HAFAD at Edward Woods Community Centre for the duration of their occupation, at a  rent (currently estimated at £20,000 per annum) and other terms of such lease that the Assistant Director Building Property Management and the Director of Law consider appropriate.


4.            That approval be given to allow HAFAD to remain at Greswell Street at nil rent on the proviso that they move out within three months of the space at Edward Woods and the Lyric becoming available.


5.            That approval be given for works to be undertaken through the Measured Term Contract for Non-Housing Projects. 


6.            That, in the event that HAFAD relocate to the Edward Woods Community Centre but the Greswell Centre is not immediately disposed of, approval is given for the site to be secured via a short term tenancy or through Camelot vacant property management.