Issue - decisions

Potential extension of Serco Waste Contract

14/11/2013 - Potential extension of Serco waste contract

Cllr Cartwright questioned whether the contract with Serco should be extended now, highlighting the recent departure of the Serco Chief Executive following fraud allegations. The Leader argued that Serco should be judged on their performance fulfilling the existing contract and not on alleged actions by one division. It was also highlighted that the contract was at a break point, and as such the Council’s options were to either continue with the contract with some amendments as proposed, or to break the contract and commence a full market tender exercise. It was argued that the latter option would be expensive and time consuming, and so not in the best interests of the Borough’s residents.



That Cabinet agree

i)          That  officers be instructed  to negotiate terms of a possible contract extension, including variations, with Serco as in the report on the exempt part of this agenda.

ii)         That the extension end date be 2021, which would then be co-terminous with the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea contract end date

iii)        That the Leader and the Cabinet Member for Resident Services, in consultation with the Executive Director for Environment, Leisure and Resident Services, approve any revised contractual terms.

iv)        That a further report to be submitted for approval if required.