Issue - decisions

Interim provision of Children's Centres and Surestart services

12/02/2013 - Interim provision of Children's Centres and Surestart services

1.      That the requirement contained in the Council’s Contract Standing Orders to seek competitive tenders be waived, in accordance with CSO 3.1, and that approval is given to negotiate new contracts for children’s centres and Sure Start services with existing providers, in accordance with CSO 9.11.


2.      That these new interim contracts with existing providers are for no more than a period of two years, with provision for a break clause after one year, be approved.


3.      That the interim contracts with existing providers are negotiated so that they meet new funding and inspection regimes, including formal registration, leadership and management of the ‘hub and spoke’ model, and clear links with the targeted 2 year old offer, be approved.


4.      That funding to the hub centres is reduced by 5% in 2013/14, or that the 5% is achieved through equivalent savings, with either option reflecting the national reduction in Early Intervention Grant Funding and the impact of this at a local level, as set out in Appendix 2: Current and proposed children’s centres funding allocations, be approved.


5.      That the interim contracts with existing providers incorporate a revised performance management framework that clearly reflects national developments, the Council’s priority outcomes for children and families, and the statutory duty of Best Value, taking in to account cost and quality, be approved.


6.      That the Children’s Centre spot purchasing fund (currently £133,000) be re-profiled to  support the efficient delivery of these recommendations, service transition, and any other relevant interim measures, including the employment of one fixed-term FTE post at grade PO 3 (approximate cost £46k), and contribute to mitigating the proposed level of reduction in funding to the hub centres, be approved.


7.      That authority to approve any further actions necessary to ensure that the Council meets its statutory duties for the provision of children’s centres, and to give practical effect to these interim measures, be delegated to the Cabinet Member for Children’s Services, be approved.