Issue - decisions

Interim Taxi Provision

12/12/2012 - Interim taxi provision

1. That approval is given to a package of interim measures to secure provision of    taxi/private hire transport from 5th January 2013 to 31st March 2014.


2.  Specifically, that approval is given to:


a)    The signing of an access agreement with L.B. Brent, thereby enabling the Council to use taxi providers (both with and without passenger assistants) on the West London Alliance Taxi Framework contract.


b)    Optimising route-sharing opportunities for vulnerable children and adults with R.B. Kensington & Chelsea Taxi Framework providers (both with and without passenger assistants), and that in instances where the RBK&C Framework provides the most cost-effective solution for specific routes, arrangements are entered in to for those routes.


c) Offering existing H&F providers the opportunity to continue operating routes up to 31st March 2014 where this proves to be the most sensible short-term solution for current vulnerable service users, with re-negotiated prices if possible.


3. That recommendations 2c and 2b take precedence whilst negotiations continue with the WLA