Issue - decisions

Transfer of public health functions to London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulhamf

17/10/2012 - Transfer of public health functions to London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham

1.                  That the statutory transfer of public health functions to local authorities from 1 April 2013 be noted, and that the establishment of a single tri-borough Public Health service with Westminster City Council as lead authority be agreed.


2.                  That, subject to the PCT engagement process, the organisational structure for the tri-borough Public Health Service be agreed.


3.                  That officers be authorised to continue discussions with NHS bodies on the details of transition arrangements, particularly with respect to finance, staffing and contracts, and to report back to Cabinet later this year after the formal notification of funding allocation from the Department of Health.


4.                  That officers be authorised to begin discussions on the terms of a Section 113 Agreement between the three authorities relating to the new tri-borough service.


5.                  That the planned overspend on transitional costs is met from the Corporate Contingency in 2012/13 in H&F’s accounts, to be returned in 2013/14 be approved.