Issue - decisions

Tri-borough ICT Strategy for 2012-2015

12/12/2012 - Tri-borough ICT strategy

  1. That the Tri-borough ICT strategy set out in Appendix 4 be approved;


  1. The establishment of a single Tri-borough ICT service under a single Tri-borough Director of ICT by 1 July 2013 be approved;


  1. the establishment, over time, of a ‘retained ICT function’ within the new, single Tri-borough ICT service be approved;


  1. the approach for the ICT provision procurement set out in section 7 of the report be endorsed; and


  1. funding of £278,400 from H&F be approved alongside £278,400 from WCC and  £139,200 from RBKC to support the procurement process.