Issue - decisions

Hammersmith Library refurbishment and Archives

10/04/2013 - Hammersmith Library refurbishment and option for Archive service

1.      That the scheme to refurbish Hammersmith Library at a cost of £1.99m which is fully funded from section 106 (£1.65m) and the existing planned maintenance budget (£0.34m), be approved.


2.      That the draw-down of £925,000 section 106 funding that has already been received by the London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham from the Hammersmith Car Park Construction scheme, be approved.

3.      That temporarily forward funding and bearing the risk of the balance of section 106 funding associated with the Hammersmith Car Park Construction scheme (£725,000) that is currently outstanding but expected to be available in April 2014, and to the draw down of that sum to spend or reimburse as required, the temporary finance being sourced from the corporate capital reserve and only used in the event that the outstanding S106 financing is not received prior to a requirement to fund expenditure as per the accounting cycle, be agreed.

4.      That the proposal to relocate the Archives Service to Hammersmith Library and to undertake additional works to the library on the proviso that £700,000 Section 106 funding is secured as set out in paragraph 5.8 onwards of the report (of which £510,000, including fees, will relate to the creation of the new Archives location, £50,000 to move the service to the new location, a £50,000 allowance made for alternative service provision during the closure period, and the remainder used to purchase new stock), be approved.

5.      That temporarily forward funding and bearing the risk of £700,000 of additional section 106 funding associated with the Kings Mall Car Park development and to the draw-down of that sum on the proviso that planning permission is granted on the site with the associated section 106 agreement included in the Head of Terms, the temporary finance being sourced from the corporate capital reserve and only used in the event that the outstanding S106 financing is not received prior to a requirement to fund expenditure as per the accounting cycle, be approved.

6.      That the provision of £55,000 one off revenue contingency funding from April 2013 to allow the continued delivery of an Archives and Local Studies service and to prepare and rationalise the collections prior to transfer to their new location, be approved.

7.      That delegation of the authorisation of the future spend of the drawn down Section 106 monies to the Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Residents Services, in consultation with the Executive Director for Environment, Leisure and Residents Services and the Executive Director of Finance and Corporate Governance, be approved.