Issue - decisions

Housing Revenue Account - Medium Term Financial Strategy Transformation Programme: Housing Services Market Testing & Repairs & Maintenance Re-Procurement Exercise

23/05/2012 - Housing Revenue Account - medium term financial strategy transformation programme : housing services market testing and repairs and maintenance re-procurement exercise

1.      That approval be given to proceeding with the re-procurement of housing repairs and maintenance contracts and market testing as outlined in section 5 of this report. 


2.      That approval be given to proceeding with the proposed market testing of a number of housing management services as set out in section 5 of this report.


3.      That the provisions of Contract Standing Orders (Section 3, para 9.2) be waived and authority be delegated to the Cabinet Member for Housing, in conjunction with the Executive Director for Housing and Regeneration, to progress the related procurement processes up to but not including Contract Award.  Subsequent decisions relating to the entering into of contractual arrangements will be the subject of further reports back to Cabinet.