4. That approval be given to proceed with appropriate procurement, construction, and delivery of the proposed projects within the budget set out in Recommendation 1 above.
5. That approval be given to reallocate the £400k funding set aside for the regeneration of Shepherds Bush Common to approved projects such as Hammersmith Park, Wormwood Scrubs, White City One o’clock club and Wormholt Park as part of the S106 agreement relating to Westfield dated 11 June 2010 clause 11.29.3, subject to informing Westfield.
6. That retrospective approval be given for playground and park improvements at South Park totalling £177,000 as set out in paragraph 2.3 of the report.
7. That retrospective approval be given to cumulative spend of: £23,000 at Wormholt Park; £36,500 at Ravenscourt Park and £26,000 at Hammersmith Park as set out in paragraph 2.4 of the report.
8. That authority be delegated to the Cabinet Member for Residents Services, in consultation with the Executive Director of Environment, Leisure & Residents Services, to appoint contractors to carry out the works associated with the development projects, totalling £1.969m, as described in this report.