Issue - decisions

White City Collaborative Care Centre

07/12/2011 - White City Collaborative Care Centre - approval of full business case and authority to reach financial close

1.     That approval be given to the Full Business Case at Appendix 1, including the affordability statement set out in paragraph 3.1 of this report.


2.     That authority be delegated to the Cabinet Member for Community Care, in conjunction with the Tri-Borough Executive Director of Adult Social Care, to take all actions to reach financial close, including (but not limited to):


  • Entering into the underlease to be granted by the PCT, at the value in the affordability statement, adjusted by any factors that may impact as at financial close, provided the lease remains affordable to the Council and still represents value for money.


  • Entering into an overage deed (together with ancillary documents relating to the land exchange) and agreeing the level of payment, if any.


  • Entering into an extension of an option agreement for the release of the restrictive covenants with the Church Commissioners, and any document(s) formalising that express release.


3.     That the Community Services Department be permitted to carry forward £269k of its 2011/12 revenue underspend to meet the capital equipping costs of the scheme be approved.