Agenda item

Special Motion 2 - Special Schools


Under Council Procedure Rule 15 (e) (iii), Councillor Mark Loveday moved that Special Motion 2 – Special Schools have precedence and be debated as the next item which was agreed.


7.18 pm – Councillor Georgie Cooney moved, seconded by Councillor Helen Binmore, the special motion standing in their names:      


“This Council notes:


1)     That 100% of the special schools in H&F; as well as the specialist provision at the Bridge Academy, are rated as Outstanding by Ofsted: Queensmill, Cambridge, Woodlane, The Bridge and Jack Tizard - this is an historical achievement. 


This Council welcomes:


1)     The new autism unit attached to Fulham Primary


2)     The increased number of schools which have at least BB93 acoustics for children with hearing impairments


3)     The new SEN website which is to try and improve communication between all parties involved with SEN children


4)     The exciting new site committed to the development and co-location of Queensmill primary and secondary schools


5)     The improved provision of Cambridge school due to the cost effective move to the Bryony Centre, next to the Phoenix. Pupils from each school can now attend lessons on either site, according to their needs


6)     The new hydrotherapy pool at Jack Tizard school which is being used by children from all over the borough. There is even a bus available to pick the children up from different sites. 


7)     The commitment of the 5 newly qualified teachers of OCR Level 5 - 'teaching and understanding learners with specific learning difficulties' and the 7 who are currently undergoing the training.


8)     The excellent work of the staff at the Medical Needs Unit, Woodlane school, managed by the headteacher, Peter Harwood. In addition, the success of the independent travel training, also managed by Peter Harwood.


9)     The 3 students at Fulham Cross and William Morris who are visually impaired and are now accessing the entire curriculum through braille. A great achievement. 


10) Queensmill school for autism, once again, has been accredited by the National Autism Society whilst also managing a new, bigger and stronger team of Occupational Therapists. 


This Council resolves to continue to strive to improve the provision and opportunities for all children with SEN in Hammersmith and Fulham.” 


Speeches on the special motion were made by Councillors Georgie Cooney, Helen Binmore and Marcus Ginn (for the Administration).


Under Standing Order 15 (e) (vi), Councillor Caroline Needham moved, seconded by Councillor Elaine Chumnery, an amendment to the motion as follows:


“Delete the last paragraph, and insert the following:


“This Council resolves to continue to enhance the provision of support to all children with Special Education Needs by providing support to families through Short Breaks (respite care), the provision of appropriate youth services and specialist holiday play schemes. The Council recognises that children with special needs are particularly vulnerable to poverty and will provide targeted support to protect children with special needs from financial hardship.”


Speeches on the amendment were made by Councillors Caroline Needham and Elaine Chumnery (for the Opposition) and Councillors Stephen Greenhalgh and Georgie Cooney (for the Administration) before it was put to the vote:


FOR                            14

AGAINST                   29

NON VOTING            0


The motion was declared LOST.


The substantive motion was put to the vote:


FOR                            Unanimous

AGAINST                   0

NON VOTING            0


The motion was declared CARRIED.


7.47 pm – RESOLVED:


This Council notes:


1)     That 100% of the special schools in H&F; as well as the specialist provision at the Bridge Academy, are rated as Outstanding by Ofsted: Queensmill, Cambridge, Woodlane, The Bridge and Jack Tizard - this is an historical achievement. 


This Council welcomes:


1)     The new autism unit attached to Fulham Primary


2)     The increased number of schools which have at least BB93 acoustics for children with hearing impairments


3)     The new SEN website which is to try and improve communication between all parties involved with SEN children


4)     The exciting new site committed to the development and co-location of Queensmill primary and secondary schools


5)     The improved provision of Cambridge school due to the cost effective move to the Bryony Centre, next to the Phoenix. Pupils from each school can now attend lessons on either site, according to their needs


6)     The new hydrotherapy pool at Jack Tizard school which is being used by children from all over the borough. There is even a bus available to pick the children up from different sites. 


7)     The commitment of the 5 newly qualified teachers of OCR Level 5 - 'teaching and understanding learners with specific learning difficulties' and the 7 who are currently undergoing the training.


8)     The excellent work of the staff at the Medical Needs Unit, Woodlane school, managed by the headteacher, Peter Harwood. In addition, the success of the independent travel training, also managed by Peter Harwood.


9)     The 3 students at Fulham Cross and William Morris who are visually impaired and are now accessing the entire curriculum through braille. A great achievement. 


10) Queensmill school for autism, once again, has been accredited by the National Autism Society whilst also managing a new, bigger and stronger team of Occupational Therapists. 


This Council resolves to continue to strive to improve the provision and opportunities for all children with SEN in Hammersmith and Fulham.


Supporting documents: