8.40pm – Councillor Adrian Pascu-Tulbure moved, seconded by Councillor Amanda Lloyd-Harris, the special motion in their names.
“This Council calls on the Administration to provide additional support for low-income pensioners in the Borough who have had their Winter Fuel Allowance cut.”
Speeches on the motion were made by Councillors Adrian Pascu-Tulbure and Amanda Lloyd-Harris (for the Opposition).
Under Standing Order 15(e)(6), Councillor Rowan Ree moved, seconded by
Councillor Rebecca Harvey, an amendment:
“Delete all text after "This council" and replace with:
...regrets that the last H&F Conservative administration introduced home care charges for older and disabled people. The Conservative administration also increased charges for meals on wheels by over 80%, increasing the cost of the service by over £700 per year.
This council proudly notes that the current Labour administration provides £5.3m of support to pensioners through the council tax support scheme, has overseen 10 years of free home care and cut the charge for meals on wheels by 56%. This council regrets the lack of support of the Conservative opposition for the budgets that put these positive measures in place.
This council further notes that the current administration has invested heavily in third-sector organisations that support older people and, in the last budget, invested an additional £1 million in cost-of-living support schemes. It helped thousands of older people across the borough through the winter-ready home schemes, winter support fund, fuel energy support, and pensioner benefit take-up campaigns.
This council welcomes the new government’s commitment to the pension triple lock and the extension of the Household Support Fund over winter, abolished by the previous government, which will provide vital support, such as fuel vouchers to vulnerable pensioners in H&F.”
Speeches on the amendment were made by Councillors Rowan Ree and Rebecca Harvey (for the Administration) and Councillor Adrian Pascu-Tulbure (for the Opposition).
Councillor Ree then made a speech winding up the debate before the amendment was put to the vote:
FOR 30
The amendment was declared CARRIED.
A speech on the amended motion was made by Councillor Jacolyn Daly (for the Administration).
Councillor Pascu-Tulbure made a speech summing up the debate.
Opposition Councillors called for a named vote:
Alexander |
Afonso |
Brown (Deputy Mayor) |
Antoniades |
Afzal-Khan |
Chevoppe-Verdier |
Borland |
Collins |
Brocklebank-Fowler |
Cowan |
Dinsmore |
Daly |
Lloyd-Harris |
Harcourt |
Pascu-Tulbure |
Harvey |
Stanton |
Holder |
Janes |
Jones |
Lang |
Melton |
Miri |
Nwaogbe |
Patel |
Perez |
Qayyum |
Ree |
Richardson |
Rowbottom |
Sanderson |
Schmid |
Siddique |
Souslous |
Taylor |
Trehy |
Umeh (Frances) |
Vaughan |
Walsh |
30 |
8 |
1 |
FOR 30
The amended motion was declared CARRIED.
9.16pm – RESOLVED
This Council regrets that the last H&F Conservative administration introduced home care charges for older and disabled people. The Conservative administration also increased charges for meals on wheels by over 80%, increasing the cost of the service by over £700 per year.
This council proudly notes that the current Labour administration provides £5.3m of support to pensioners through the council tax support scheme, has overseen 10 years of free home care and cut the charge for meals on wheels by 56%. This council regrets the lack of support of the Conservative opposition for the budgets that put these positive measures in place.
This council further notes that the current administration has invested heavily in third-sector organisations that support older people and, in the last budget, invested an additional £1 million in cost-of-living support schemes. It helped thousands of older people across the borough through the winter-ready home schemes, winter support fund, fuel energy support, and pensioner benefit take-up campaigns.
This council welcomes the new government’s commitment to the pension triple lock and the extension of the Household Support Fund over winter, abolished by the previous government, which will provide vital support, such as fuel vouchers to vulnerable pensioners in H&F.
9.16pm – Councillor Max Schmid moved, seconded by Councillor Genevieve Nwaogbe, a motion under Standing Order 15(e)(3) to change the order of the remaining special motions as follows: 4, 2 and 3.
The motion was agreed.
Supporting documents: