Agenda item

Minutes of the previous Pension Fund Committee meetings

To note the minutes of the Pension Fund Committee meetings held on 13th June, 31st July, 19th September, 24th October and 15th November,


This item includes appendices that contain exempt information. Discussion of the appendices will require passing the proposed resolution at the end of the agenda to exclude members of the public and press.


Referring to page 21 of the agenda pack, the Chair enquired about the McCloud remedy legislation and its implications. Eleanor Dennis (Head of Pensions) provided a brief summary of the McCloud remedy legislation, highlighting that McCloud remedy was implemented to remove age discrimination across public sector schemes. It was noted that Local Pensions Partnership Administration (LPPA) were being proactive in preparing for this. LPPA were working with the Fund and the Council’s employers to ensure they had the data to comply with this requirement.


Referring to page 33 of the agenda pack, the Chair asked for further clarification to be provided regarding the KPI’s not being met across all case types by LPPA between July – September 2023. In response Eleanor Dennis noted that the challenges included increasing complex legislation, data challenges, limited resources, the implementation of a new software platform and difficulty in engaging with employers, which meant some issues took longer to resolve. However, from the period September 2023 to December 2023 inclusive, the overall quarterly KPI performance had seen some improvement at 96.9%. This would continue to be closely managed by the Head of Pensions.


In response to a question asked by the Chair, Eleanor Dennis noted that a formal letter had been sent to LPPA in January 2024, detailing the Pension Fund Committee’s concerns about their performance. In response the Committee had received an apology from LPPA, acknowledging the substandard service that the Pension Fund had received. Eleanor Dennis said that she would circulate a copy of the letter received from LPPA to Pension Board members outside this meeting.

Action: Eleanor Dennis



The Chair enquired whether the letter contained any sanctions and asked the next steps should LPPA fail to meet the expected standards in the next quarter. Eleanor Dennis explained that the letter did not include any sanctions and that LPPA would be given the opportunity to deliver on target service for quarter 4. A dedicated Pension Fund Committee meeting was scheduled for July 2024 and LPPA would be invited to present their case to the Committee.


The Chair congratulated officers for their achievement in receiving the pension fund of the year award.



That the Pensions Board noted the contents of the report.

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