This paper resets out a summary of the performance of the Local Pension Partnership Administration (LPPA) in providing a pension administration service to the Hammersmith & Fulham Fund.
Eleanor Dennis (Head of Pensions) introduced the report which provided a summary of the performance of the Local Pension Partnership Administration (LPPA) for Q2 of the Pension Fund scheme year 2023/24. The Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) detailed in Appendix 1 of the pension administration report covered the period 1st July 2023 to 30th September 2023 inclusive. Whilst it was encouraging to see consistency of KPI performance from Q1 to Q2, it was disappointing that LPPA had not met their targets as promised across all case types. LPPA admit that there was improvement to be made and had acknowledged that this would take longer than hoped to achieve. This would continue to be closely managed by the Head of Pensions.
Councillor Adam Peter Lang enquired how employer contribution for the pensions scheme was determined. In response Eleanor Dennis explained that the calculation varied across the board and was specific to the individual employer and their liabilities, economic stability, and membership.
Action: Eleanor Dennis
Referring to page 32 of the agenda pack, Councillor Florian Chevoppe-Verdier requested that additional granular data be provided to the Committee in relation to the death in retirement figures. Eleanor Dennis noted that she had requested this information from LPPA but due to resource issues within the organisation there had been a delay in receiving this. However, this would be circulated to the Committee outside of this meeting as soon as this was available.
Action: Eleanor Dennis
In response to a questioned asked by the Chair, Eleanor Dennis noted that she had drafted a formal letter to send to the Managing Director of LPPA. –This had been forwarded to Councillor Ross Melton to review and would also be circulated to the Committee for further comment.
Action: Eleanor Dennis
That the Committee noted the update.
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