Agenda item

Manager's Report


HS2 works on the Stamford Brook Sewer site

Vicki Abel (Advisor to the Trust) gave an update on the HS2 works on the Stamford Brook Sewer Site. She informed the Committee that since the last meeting on 21 June 2023 the fencing to the site had been removed which allowed access to Lesters Embankment. The removal of the fence had allowed visitors to get closer to the embankment.  It had also allowed for contractors to create access routes to be cut through vegetation on the embankment to the top of the slope to be able to treat some of the Japanese Knotweed. A programme of treatment would be established to try to reduce and eventually eradicate the Knotweed.


Stephen Waley-Cohen (Co-opted member) said that consideration should be given to replacing some of the chainlink fence panels on the eastern end to protect the embankment. Vicki Abel agreed to examine the extent of replacement panels needed along with hedging to be introduced as part of the masterplan work. The Chair noted that there were other parts in the area requiring further work too.


ACTION: Vicki Abel


The Committee noted the update.


Alternative Ecological Mitigation Masterplan Procurement and Planning

Vicki Abel updated members on the Alternative Ecological Mitigation Masterplan Procurement and Planning.


Faye Thomas (Co-opted Member) raised a question around the impact the works would have on bird nesting.  Vicki Abel reassured the Committee that contractors would work around wildlife. She added that the planning application cost around £2000.


Responding to the concerns of Councillor Dominic Stanton and Faye Thomas about the planning application, Vicki Abel noted that it was unlikely for the application to be rejected as the authority had followed the advice of OPDC closely in working out the planning documents and justifying the proposals in the plan. She explained that if there were major objections and a re-application was needed, it could impact on the project’s timescales.


Stephen Waley-Cohen said that some objections such as the location of the proposed pond might be expected.  The Chair noted that the plan covering some 200 acres had been extensively consulted on.


The Committee noted the update.


Local nature reserve establishment – Wormwood Scrubs Meadow

Vicki Abel noted that the documents were with H&F Council’s legal team for sign-off. Once complete, the formal consultation process with Nature England could proceed. A subsequent update would be provided to the Committee at the December meeting.


The Committee noted the update.


Linford Christie Stadium – Maintenance of Athletics Facilities

Simon Ingyon (Assistant Director Parks and Leisure) updated the Committee on the maintenance of the athletic facilities at the Linford Christie Stadium. He highlighted that following a review of the athletic track at the stadium, both tracks and the floodlighting system required urgent refurbishment to ensure they remained fit for purpose and met UK Athletics Track certification. The track had not been refurbished since 2005. The proposed athletic facility improvement works would take around 18 months to complete.


Stephen Waley-Cohen expressed the strong support of the Friends of the Wormwood Scrubs for the project.


Councillor Dominic Stanton said he was very supportive of the proposed maintenance works. He asked about the potential to extend this project to benefit from the economy of scale given its large capital upfront. The Chair referred him to the next two items which were related to other comprehensive capital works going on alongside the maintenance of the athletic facilities works at the Linford Christie Stadium. On his further question about the proposals from the Thames Valley Harriers, the Chair said she understood that the project had been paused whilst they evaluated their financial priorities.


Kellie Gooch (Head of Finance, Environment) advised that if approved by the Committee, the Trust’s matched funding contribution of £250k was expected to be paid out in one lump sum. The Trust’s contribution to the works would not be depreciated.


The Committee approved the recommendation.


Managing the changing rooms at the Linford Christie Stadium

Simon Ingyon (Assistant Director Parks and Leisure) provided an update noting the changing rooms at the Linford Christie Stadium needed a major refurbishment and the most effective solution was to demolish most of changing room block whilst providing Portacabins as a short-term solution for users.


In reply to Stephen Waley-Cohen’s question, Simon Ingyon noted that the longer-term option to provide school children and sport clubs updated facilities might take 3 years or longer to deliver.  He undertook to provide a report on the vision and scope about the option after the Environment and Economy departments finalised the details.


ACTION: Simon Ingyon

The Committee noted the update.


Kensington Dragons FC (KDFC) capital project at the Linford Christie Stadium

Osama El-Amin (Trust Manager) provided an update on the KDFC project at the Linford Christie Stadium.  He said that KDFC have given officers re-assurance that this project is on-time to be delivered within the identified 6-month timeframe from November 2023 to March 2024.


The Committee noted the update.


Renewing a license to occupy the temporary school site

Osama El-Amin briefed members that the Department for Education (DfE) was seeking a one-year extension on the license for continued occupation of the site for the operation of the Kensington Aldridge Academy, with the permitted number of pupils increased from 1200 to 1350. A 3.8% increase in the value of the license was proposed.


In reply to Faye Thomas’ question, Osama El-Amin confirmed that the KAA was responsible for the cost of maintenance.  He elaborated that as the landlord, the Trust undertook an annual inspection of the building in accordance with the planning permission and the next survey was due in January 2024.  He agreed to report the survey outcome to the Committee.


ACTION: Osama El-Amin     


The Committee approved the recommendation.


Fencing the new children’s play area – Braybrook St

Osama El-Amin provided an update and noted that due to the recent establishment of a responsible dog ownership Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) in the borough, children's play areas in the borough were designated as ‘No Dog Zones’.


The Chair referred to the public question querying the need for fencing around the play areas when the PSPO already forbad dogs in those areas. She noted that the construction of fencing would now be subject to the outcome of the monitoring on compliance with the PSPO.


Faye Thomas noted that the responsible dog ownership PSPO seemed to be hard to enforce. She also mentioned that, through conversations with parents in the area, there were a lot of dog excrement in the playground and issues with large out-of-control dogs coming into the area. Without a fence it was difficult to keep the issue under control. She said these problems deterred parents from bringing their children to the park. Osama El-Amin said the Council’s Law Enforcement Team would be monitoring compliance with PSPO in the play area and provided feedback by the end of December, before deciding whether to fence off the area.


Councillor Stanton asked if the proposed fencing would stop dogs off lead from entering the fenced off area. The Chair suggested installing fencing similar to the new fencing in Ravenscourt Park. Osama El-Amin advised that the fence would be 1.1 m high low-level fencing.


While noting in general individual or professional dogwalkers were not observing the PSPO, Stphen Waley-Cohen suggested advancing the reporting to this Committee by mid-December.


The Chair asked officers to assess the zipline and trampette equipment at the play area as work might need to be carried out on them.


ACTION: Osama El-Amin


Faye Thomas brought to the Committee’s attention that there was another playground area next to the Linford Christie Stadium that was predominantly used by dog owners. She asked if it was possible to repurpose the fencing for this area. The Chair agreed and asked officers to explore.


ACTION: Osama El-Amin


The Committee noted the update.


WSCT strategic planning and implementation of recommendations

Osama El-Amin provided an update and noted that work was currently underway with local stakeholders to identify a set of strategic objectives, a business plan, and a series of operational policies.


Stephen Waley-Cohen was positive for a proper plan going forward.  He suggested collaborating with Imperial College London in developing the ecological hub.  He also asked about the progress of fund-raising. 


Osama El-Amin noted that there were a number of well-respected institutions and good hospitals in the borough that might be linked up to those who had desires for research initiatives like green intervention and health. In addition to research collaboration, he said that the Imperial College London would also be engaged to validate the recommendations.  As regards fund-raising, he advised that the bank account set up for the purpose was being finalised awaiting the sign-off by the Strategic Director of Finance.


The Committee noted the update.


Secret Cinema Event Postponed

Osama El-Amin provided an update and noted that Secret Cinema had decided to pause their proposals to host events on the Scrubs until summer 2025. He elaborated that more ecological baseline surveys and possibly mitigation measures needed to be done to minimise the impacts of the events on other Scrubs users.


The Committee noted the update.


Traffic Management System

Osama El-Amin provided an update that officers were working to ensure the completion of the electrification works, to make the installation fully operational. The remaining phase of work involved UK Power Networks installing a meter before becoming operational. The work was due to take place on 1 November instead of the week commencing 16 October. He would notify the Committee and residents if there was further slippage. Once the work was completed, officers would distribute fobs to the relevant stakeholders and Council departments.


In response to Stephen Waley-Cohen’s concern, the Chair requested Osama El-Amin to check that the fencing on the site had not been removed. Osama undertook to reinstate them once the system was up and running.


ACTION: Osama El-Amin

The Committee noted the update.


Community Safety Update

Alfie Kerrigan (Senior Law Enforcement Officer) provided an update.


Councillor Stanton asked for an update on the unauthorised encampment. Alfie Kerrigan told the Committee that an eviction notice had been served, and the travellers were no longer on the site.


Simon Ingyon reassured the Committee that officers had good intelligence on travellers on Hammersmith and Fulham property and were working closely with neighbouring boroughs. In this regard, the Chair advised that travellers visiting the hospitals in the Scrubs due to health issues should be approached on compassionate ground. 


The Committee noted the update.


WSCT Financial Position

Kellie Gooch (Head of Finance, Environment) summarised the financial forecast for Wormwood Scrubs Charitable Trust for 2023/24, including income forecast 2023/24 (Q2), expenditure forecast 2023/24 (Q2) and Trust Funds. 


Members noted that £8,000 of CCTV works had been removed from the expenditure forecast this quarter. Osama El-Amin said since the fence installation, additional CCTV was not needed, however the Council had an option for temporary CCTV to be installed where necessary. He noted that the hospital had requested additional cameras be installed near their premises.


Noting that dog exercise area improvements (£20,000) was an unbudgeted item, Faye Thomas asked about the timescale if it was going ahead.  Osama El-Amin noted that the timeline of the improvement work was subject to planning permission of the Masterplan, the construction plan of the swale, and the procurement of the tap in the depot.


The Committee noted the update.



The Committee agreed to:

1.    Note the completion of HS2 works on the Stamford Brook Sewer (SBS) site.

2.    Note an update on progress towards securing planning permission and commencing procurement of the Alternative Ecological Mitigation (AEM) Masterplan.

3.    Note progress towards acquiring Local Nature Reserve status for the ‘Wormwood Scrubs Meadow’.

4.    Approve a £250K matched funding contribution towards the cost of athletics infrastructure improvements at the Linford Christie Stadium.

5.    Note an update on the changing rooms at the Linford Christie Stadium.

6.    Note an update on the Kensington Dragon’s capital works programme.

7.    Approve an extension on the license to occupy the temporary school site.

8.    Note a pause on constructing low-level wooden fencing around play equipment.

9.    Note an update on progress towards implementing the recommendations of consultation exercises and the development of strategic objectives for the Trust.

10. Note an update on Secret Cinema’s proposal to host an event on the Scrubs in 2024.

11. Note an update on the Traffic Management System.

12. Note an update on Community Safety from the Law Enforcement Team.

13. Note an update on the Trust’s financial performance in Q2. FY 2023/24 and subsequent budget forecast.



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