This report updates the Committee on progress in developing a ten-year Cultural Strategy for the borough.
David Pack, Strategic Head of Industrial Strategy introduced the report which provided an update on the development of a cultural strategy for Hammersmith and Fulham.
The Committee noted the strategy included three strategic themes, each of which were supported by outcomes. Officers confirmed these were intended to be delivered as a shared endeavour by all partners involved in the strategy’s implementation, with specific responsibilities set out in an accompanying, detailed action plan. These themed outcomes were the fundamental goals that the strategy sought to achieve, and they provided direction for all the actions and decisions made during the implementation process:
· Destination: An exciting and healthy place in which to live, work, study and visit.
· Creation: An even stronger cultural and creative sector driving the local economy
· Inclusion: Our residents benefiting from participation in arts, culture and heritage.
In terms of timescales, David Pack confirmed the intention was to present the strategy to Cabinet this summer (2023) and would include an action plan appended to the draft strategy.
Councillor Ashok Patel asked for further details to be provided on Activist Group and in terms of consultation, whether minority ethnic groups had been engaged. In response, David Pack provided details of who Activist Group were and their role in developing the Strategy. In terms of the consultation phase, he confirmed this had been far and wide and had included faith and community groups. And although a scientific approach had not been taken (to consultation) there had been a breadth of approach which had focused on geographic areas.
Councillor Adam Peter Lang noted that young people had very different views and perceptions of what culture was, and asked if the strategy could be strengthened in this regard. In response, Andrew Munk, Assistant Director Economic Development explained the strategy could be tweaked, so that more emphasis was placed on young people. He explained that ensuring there were clear pathways for the young people was important and the opportunities section of the strategy did need to be strengthened to make it more prominent.
Councillor Liz Collins highlighted the heritage aspects of the strategy and asked officers what young people perceived their heritage to be. In response, officers confirmed that to reinforce the strategy, the outcomes from the six workshops which had been conducted with young people in January 2023, could be incorporated within the strategy.
Councillor Jackie Borland asked about the consultation which had been conducted as part of the Christmas markets held in Hammersmith and North End Road in late 2022 and how many residents were engaged? In response, David Pack explained that this work was done by Activist and several hundred people had been canvassed.
Action – David Pack to provide further information regarding the consultation undertaken at Christmas markets held in Hammersmith and North End Road.
Councillor Jackie Borland commended the work which had been done so far on the Cultural Strategy, and especially the efforts in relation to heritage. She highlighted that the Borough had a number of wonderful sites and further work was required to highlight these. In response, David Pack confirmed the Council planned to recruit new staff focusing on the visitor economy to the borough.
Action - David Pack - The Chair request that the visitor economy be brought back to the committee in the future
The Leader, Stephen Cowan, commended the communications work which had been done but highlighted there was a different skillset to marketing some of the borough’s key assets. Taking the Committee’s views as a whole, the Leader welcomed the idea that a marketing plan for the Arts and Culture Strategy should be developed.
Action – Andrew Munk / David Pack - That Officers develop a marketing plan for the Arts and Culture Strategy
Closing the item, the Chair, Councillor Rory Vaughan confirmed that there was a significant opportunity to take the marketing plan for the Arts and Culture strategy forward. He confirmed there was a noteworthy amount of history within the borough and it was important the heritage and cultural aspects were explored further.
The Committee and Andrew Munk thanked Paul James from Activist and Thomas Dodd, Arts Officer, for their work in developing the strategy.
1. That the Committee both note and comment on the report.
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