Agenda item

Manager's Report


HS2 (High Speed 2)


Vicki Abel (Wormwood Scrubs Development Manager) presented the HS2 - Under Track Crossing (UTX) site update and SBS site update.  In reply to the Chair’s concern about the SBS site, Vicki noted that the Heras fencing might come down when the site had reached good enough reinstatement after sufficient seeding which should happen in April 2023.  Stephen Waley-Cohen (Co-opted member) noted that some timber fencing that had existed for a long time did provide good demarcation to preserve some areas from human disturbances.  He considered it necessary to replace those parts that had been removed or damaged.   Vicki noted that the embankment was still there, and the conditions of the area should still be the same before the construction. She undertook to ask for fencing replacement as part of the reinstatement. 


Osama El-Amin (Trust Manager) outlined the surveys under HS2. In reply to the enquiry of Miriam Shea (Co-opted member) about the boundary of the surveys, Osama noted that the surveys would be conducted along the northern boundary of the Scrubs, taking samples of anything in or on the area of the land within the boundary parallel to the railway line. This was done in relation to the station platform to be built opposite the railway side. To mitigate the effects of the construction, it was necessary to carry out ecological or archaeological investigations on the affected land.


AEM (Alternative Ecology Mitigation) Masterplan


Vicki Abel introduced the final amendments made to the AEM Masterplan and the details of the next steps.


Miriam Shea asked about the timing of and inclusion of maintenance work in the Masterplan.  On timing, Vicki noted that after working with the cost consultant and drawing up the procurement strategy based on the detailed design, tendering would proceed, and the actual cost of works would be known towards the end of summer.  It would then take advantage of the autumn and winter seasons for planting trees and shrubs.  Actual works might commence at Springtime the following year, and it was estimated that all the works would be completed in 6 to 12 months from the date works started on site.  As regard the management and maintenance of the woodland, Vicki said that the management plan would last for 10 years and cover all the woodland and meadow areas, including the sinc (site of importance for nature conservation) area on the western side. 


Stephen Waley-Cohen appreciated that the Masterplan had taken on board many of the comments made by the Friends of Wormwood Scrubs (FoWWS), however, except the location of the pond.   He shared the negative comments of the pond in Ravenscourt Park made by a FoWWS and hoped the Committee could learn lessons from it.   


Site Entrance Improvements – OPDC Grant


Osama El-Amin updated members on the site entrance improvements funded by OPDC grant.  He noted that picnic benches would be installed along the access routes to the Wulfstan Street and Braybrook Street.


The Chair appreciated that the improvements had made the site entrance much safer for local residents and visitors.


Braybrook Playground – HS2 Environment and Community Fund


Osama El-Amin presented the item and outlined the event held earlier to officially open the playground by pupils of Old Oak Primary School who supported the co-design of this playground.  This committee was asked to consider whether to install low level wooden fencing around the perimeter of just this playground, or to do the same for the older playground adjacent to the new playground and around the outdoor gym area.


In reply to Councillor Dominic Stanton’s enquiry, Osama El-Amin confirmed that the older playground, the new playground and the outdoor gym area were three separate areas. Stephen Waley-Cohen opted to install fencing for all three areas and considered that alternative quotes should be invited having regard to a recent installation of wooden fencing elsewhere outside London at a significantly lower cost.  He also hoped that some shrubs of hedges could be planted outside the fence to improve the ecology, and the cost might be met by HS2 Environment and Community Fund.  The Chair said that the Committee would decide between the options upon the receipt of the quotes.


Hedge Laying


Osama El-Amin updated members on the hedge laying work done so far and the need for an accredited facilitator to lead the delivery of the remaining session with volunteers who would be accredited upon completion of the ecological enhancements.


KDFC Pitch Re-surfacing/ Extension at LCS


Steve Hollingworth (Assistant Director, Leisure, Sports and Culture) presented the purpose and time scale of the project. He said that while the time scales would depend on workloads and the weather, efforts would be made to minimise the time public pitches were out for use.


FoWWS Scrubs Watch – Ecology Measurement Scheme


Osama El-Admin presented the item.  Members noted that the FoWWS had begun their ‘Scrubs Watch’ initiative that directed users to submit their logs via digital platforms, which would be fed into the on-site ecologist’s database to build an even better picture of the natural habitats. Miriam Shea understood that the birding-related activities were going well while it was still early in the season for flora. She noted that the HS2 Environment and Community Fund could be the source in terms of external funding.


Tree planting – corporate volunteers


Vicki Abel updated members on the number of tree whips and shrubs planted by the corporate volunteers and as part of the HS2 reinstatement of the SBS site.


WSCT Forecast Financial Year 2022/23 & WSCT Budget Financial Year 2023/24


Carmen Lomotey (Principal Corporate Accountant) briefed members on the WSCT Forecast for 2022/23, including the net income outturn and the income forecast both of which were currently forecast as more than the budgeted.


Councillor Dominic Stanton requested for a breakdown on the income from forecasted pay and display (P&D) for weekdays and weekends.  He hoped to find out why the car park income had gone down instead after the lockdown was over and subsequent to the introduction of weekend parking.  Carmen Lomotey agreed to provide the information after the meeting.


ACTION: Carmen Lomotey


Stephen Waley-Cohen asked about interest on cash balances as the interest rate was rising. Councillor Stanton also noted about the high yield under a one-month deposit contract with interest of 3.3%. Carmen Lomotey and the Chair explained the risk that might be involved as quick access to the monies in the account would be needed throughout the year.  Besides, the income might not materialise as forecast. Nevertheless, Nicholas Falcone (Senior Corporate Accountant) undertook to work with the colleagues in the Treasury to see if there could be a higher return from interest on cash balances.


ACTION: Nicolas Falcone


Law Enforcement Team (LET) Update


On behalf of Neil Morrison who had sent his apology for absence, Steve Hollingworth presented the update for the details of LET’s work in and around the Wormwood Scrubs from 1 December 2022 to 26 February 2023.



The Committee agreed to


1.    Note the HS2 updates, including the UTX site update, the conduct of a range of surveys along the northern boundary of the Scrubs and the SBS site update.

2.    Approve the final version of the AEM Masterplan and note the next steps.

3.    Note the completion of site entrance improvements.

4.    Decide the installation of low-level wooden fencing pending the quotations.

5.    Note the successful hedge laying this season.

6.    Note an update from the KDFC pitch re-surfacing/extension project.

7.    Note the Friends of Wormwood Scrubs project – Scrubs Watch.

8.    Note tree planting that has taken place this season.

9.    Note the WSCT Forecast for Financial Year 2022/23.

10. Approve the WSCT Budget for Financial Year 2023/24.

11. Note the latest Law Enforcement update.


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