Agenda item

Special Motion 2 - The Borough's Housing Stock


9.22pm – Councillor Adronie Alford moved, seconded by Councillor Mark Loveday, the special motion in their names:


“This Council notes with serious concern, the report from the October 2021 Housing Ombudsman Service report “Spotlight on: Damp and Mould: It’s not lifestyle”, which found that Hammersmith and Fulham Council has:

1.    The highest rate of mismanagement in damp and mould cases for any social landlord in England.

2.    The highest maladministration rate for dealing with reports of damp and mould for any social landlord in England.

3.    The highest maladministration rate for complaint handling for any social landlord in England.


This Council calls upon the Administration to provide a clear and detailed plan of how it is going to address the repairs crisis in the borough’s housing stock.”


Under Standing Order 15(e)(6), Councillor Lisa Homan moved, seconded by

Councillor Max Schmid, an amendment in their names:


“Remove all after “This Council notes with serious concern, the report from the October 2021 Housing Ombudsman Service report “Spotlight on: Damp and Mould: It’s not lifestyle” and replace with:


“This Council apologises to the residents that are affected by damp and mould and commits to eradicating all the long-standing damp and mould issues within the next six months, with works currently underway. This Council supports its record £600m investment to refurbish council homes.


This Council recognises that the following actions have been taken to secure and improve the Borough’s council homes: -

·      Negotiated a successful early ending to the atrocious 10-year repairs contract (awarded by the previous Conservative administration) which underfunded repairs, did not meet service standards, had record customer dissatisfaction, and seriously impeded the council’s maintenance of its stock

·      The introduction of an extensive planned preventative maintenance program which had not existed between 2006 to 2014.

·      Ended the Conservatives’ ideologically inspired policy of selling off the Borough’s council estates so they could be demolished, and replaced with new developments of luxury apartments targeted at overseas property speculators

·      Ended the Conservatives’ ideologically inspired policy of selling off all council street properties at knock down prices to property developers – a scheme that was even featured on the BBC’s Homes Under The Hammer.

·      Ended the Conservatives’ program of depleting the council housing management service which had been part of its scheme to significantly reduce the borough’s housing stock

·      Is working with tenant and leaseholder residents to continuously improve the Council’s housing management services

·      Introduced a £20m Fire Safety Plus program

·      Is investing a record £600m to improve Councils homes and reduce energy bills despite 12 years of government Austerity.


This Council agrees to support these actions.


This Council reaffirms its commitment to residents of all the Borough’s council housing which recognises they have a right to affordable rents and service charges, and never have to suffer a political administration that sells their homes against their wishes. Furthermore, it restates that council homes must always be maintained to excellent standards and the housing management service is required to continuously improve to deliver the highest levels of customer satisfaction. The Council will take all necessary measures to deliver on these commitments.””


Speeches on the amendment were made by Councillors Lisa Homan and Max Schmid (for the Administration) and Councillor Mark Loveday (for the Opposition).


The amendment was then put to the vote:


FOR                        31

AGAINST                10

NOT VOTING         0


The amendment was declared CARRIED.


Councillor Adronie Alford then made a speech winding up the debate before the amended motion was put to the vote:


FOR                        31

AGAINST                10

NOT VOTING         0


The amended motion was declared CARRIED.


9.48pm – RESOLVED


This Council notes with serious concern, the report from the October 2021 Housing Ombudsman Service report “Spotlight on: Damp and Mould: It’s not lifestyle”.


This Council apologises to the residents that are affected by damp and mould and commits to eradicating all the long-standing damp and mould issues within the next six months, with works currently underway. This Council supports its record £600m investment to refurbish council homes.


This Council recognises that the following actions have been taken to secure and improve the Borough’s council homes: -

·      Negotiated a successful early ending to the atrocious 10-year repairs contract (awarded by the previous Conservative administration) which underfunded repairs, did not meet service standards, had record customer dissatisfaction, and seriously impeded the council’s maintenance of its stock

·      The introduction of an extensive planned preventative maintenance program which had not existed between 2006 to 2014.

·      Ended the Conservatives’ ideologically inspired policy of selling off the Borough’s council estates so they could be demolished, and replaced with new developments of luxury apartments targeted at overseas property speculators

·      Ended the Conservatives’ ideologically inspired policy of selling off all council street properties at knock down prices to property developers – a scheme that was even featured on the BBC’s Homes Under The Hammer.

·      Ended the Conservatives’ program of depleting the council housing management service which had been part of its scheme to significantly reduce the borough’s housing stock

·      Is working with tenant and leaseholder residents to continuously improve the Council’s housing management services

·      Introduced a £20m Fire Safety Plus program

·      Is investing a record £600m to improve Councils homes and reduce energy bills despite 12 years of government Austerity


This Council agrees to support these actions.


This Council reaffirms its commitment to residents of all the Borough’s council housing which recognises they have a right to affordable rents and service charges, and never have to suffer a political administration that sells their homes against their wishes. Furthermore, it restates that council homes must always be maintained to excellent standards and the housing management service is required to continuously improve to deliver the highest levels of customer satisfaction. The Council will take all necessary measures to deliver on these commitments.


Supporting documents: