Agenda item

2022 Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS)

This report sets out the budget proposals for the services covered by this Policy and Accountability Committee (PAC). An update is also provided on any proposed changes in fees and charges in the budget.



Sharon Lea (Strategic Director of Environment) and Kellie Gooch (Head of Finance - Environment) gave a presentation on the Environment revenue budget 2022/23, highlighting the following key points:

-       The department managed an extensive range of front-line services for residents and businesses supporting Council values and priorities.

-       An overview was provided on the major challenges faced by the department this year.

-       These included maintaining day to day operations whilst managing Covid-19 impacts on service, continuing to improve and reduce the cost of existing and new contracts, such as waste and grounds maintenance.

-       In addition to this the department also made improvements to various services.

-       The department had a strong financial performance and delivered an underspend in 2020/21.

-       For 2021/22 the department was working hard to balance the year-end outturn in line with budget. However, Covid-19 impacts may affect this.

-       The budget for 2022/23 was summarised at directorate level.

-       The key budget investments and future strategic issues were outlined in detail.


Councillor Victoria Brocklebank-Fowler requested that a breakdown of the full parking budget and surplus be provided to the Committee.


Action: Gary Hannaway - Head of Finance (Parking)


Councillor Victoria Brocklebank-Fowler asked for further clarification to be provided on the outturn for 2020/21 which included a £1.3m underspend compared to the budget (excluding Parking Services). In response Kellie Gooch (Head of Finance - Environment) explained that this was in part due to savings that had been secured as part of the waste contract extension with Serco, which were contributed towards reserves for climate change. Sharon Lea (Strategic Director of Environment) also provided an overview of the challenges faced within waste collection services as a result of Covid-19 impacting on the contractor’s performance, with shortage of drivers and operatives, including the Council’s approach on resolving these concerns. 


Councillor Victoria Brocklebank-Fowler requested that full details of the £1.3m underspend be circulated to the Committee.


Action: Kellie Gooch


Councillor Iain Cassidy asked for further clarification to be provided on the Council’s long-term approach to parking charges as people had begun to shift in significant numbers to electric vehicles. He also enquired if Local Authorities had any powers to alter their parking charges based on the size of the vehicle. In response, Sharon Lea (Strategic Director of Environment) noted that the Council’s parking charges were based around its traffic management policies. Resident and visitor parking permits were also available to park in the borough. Currently, the Council’s main priority was to focus on changing behaviour towards parking and encourage less car use in the borough. Bram Kainth (Chief Officer - Public Realm) explained that most Local Authorities would focus on managing their parking spaces based on the type of vehicle in terms of emissions rather than the size. He was not currently aware of any Local Authorities charging for parking based on their size.


Councillor Ann Rosenberg commented that for certain people travelling by public transport was not an option. She asked if it was possible to consider a proposal whereby a parking permit enabled you to park for free between certain hours of the day anywhere within the borough. Sharon Lea (Strategic Director of Environment) noted that this had been explored, and the Council would continue to review this option to ascertain if it was feasible. However, one of the key issues associated with this proposal, related to the amount of pressure residents already faced around locating parking near their homes.


The Chair commended the work of the Officers, the wider team and senior leadership for delivering a balanced budget, whilst managing the pressures associated with the Covid-19 pandemic.


Members noted the report.




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