Agenda item

Manager's Report

The Committee is asked to note and approve all matters in the report.


Steve Hollingworth, Advisor to the Trust, presented the report.


HS2 Bill Alternative Ecological Mitigation (AEM)

Steve Hollingworth noted that the AEM works were progressing. A conservation management plan had been circulated to the Friends for comments. A subgroup needed to be set up to discuss and agree the masterplan presented at the last Committee.


HS2 – Compensation Code Temporary access to Trust Land

Steve Hollingworth noted that the current programme was for HS2 to access the site in November to carry out visual surveys with clearance work on site commencing in December/January. Patricia Thompson was the community engagement manager for HS2 and had been meeting with the wider community to explain the impact of the proposals. A meeting had been proposed with the Friends and Patricia would also be able to attend a meeting with the Trust to make a presentation if required.


The Chair requested that a meeting be arranged to meet with Patricia Thompson.


Action: Steve Hollingworth



Update on leases

Steve Hollingworth explained that the draft Heads of Terms and a service agreement had been agreed by Kensington Dragons Football Club (KDFC). The Council had appointed a legal advisor to formalise the appropriate agreements.


The licence to use the old tennis courts behind the Linford Christie Stadium allowed the hospital use of this space for a limited period. It was noted that asbestos had been discovered during early mobilisation works. The cost of the remediation of the asbestos works would be offset against the income to be received for the licence.


Park Lodge – details of the lease and the extent of the repairs were being explored. An options paper would be brought to a future Committee.


The licence to Kensington Aldridge Academy (KAA) had been renewed on the same terms.


The Chair requested that residents continued to be kept updated and informed of any planned changes to the KAA lease.


Implementing Strategic Governance Review recommendations

David Burns, Advisor to the Trust noted that at the July 2020 meeting, the Committee approved a report which included proposals for a governance and strategy review.  Currently there was no dedicated officer with the day to day responsibility for supporting the Trust Committee or to help the Trust develop its vision and strategy. Officers therefore recommended approving a budget allocation of £75k a year for two years (£150,000 in total) to fund an appropriate manager role to support this.


Miriam Shea, Co-opted Member asked if there was any scope for Members to feed into the job description. In response David Burns explained that the job description would be co-produced with Trust, including the full remit of the role and annual objectives.


Councillor Helen Rowbottom asked for clarification to be provided on some of the duties that would be carried out by the project manager. David Burns provided an overview of the responsibilities that would be carried out, these included working closely with Council officers to ensure all actions were followed up after Committee meetings. In addition, the new project manager would develop a strategy and business plan with Committee Members.


Members requested that a skeleton job description and a breakdown of the current governance process, including an update on what monies were available to the Trust to be circulated to the Committee.

Action: David Burns



Members commented that this was an important role to be created and unanimously supported the recommendation, subject to reviewing the job description and a map of the governance arrangements for the Trust.



Community Safety Update

Steve Hollingworth provided an overview and noted that additional patrols were in place since April from the community safety team to help manage social distancing requirements in public parks.


It was noted that residents and the Friends had raised a number of concerns including proposing fencing the ‘Meadow Pipit meadow’. Encroaching bramble and a lack of signage to reinforce the site rules. Most of these issues would be addressed through the proposals put forward in the biodiversity masterplan.


Stephen Waley-Cohen, Co-opted Member noted that many members of the Friends were concerned about the creation of major routes through the wild meadow area, whilst others were in favour of this plan. He requested that additional signage and updated by-laws be placed on all the entrance points to mitigate some of the issues.


Miriam Shea, Co-opted Member asked for consideration to be placed on putting up some temporary signage as an interim measure until the biodiversity masterplan was being implemented. 


Action: Steve Hollingworth


Grounds Maintenance and site management update

Steve Hollingworth provided an update and noted that the Linford Christie Stadium re-opened for pre-booked track sessions on the 2nd July. Thames Valley Harriers had been running 3 sessions per week and their numbers had been steadily increasing. Kensington Dragons had also started back playing matches on the centre pitch at weekends. Some of the All-Weather pitches sustained some damage during lockdown and could not be used. Repairs had been completed on 24th September and bookings commenced on 28th September.


It was noted that large timber play equipment on the Braybrook Street boundary had been identified as defective and would have to be removed. Prices to repair or replace were being explored but no funds had been identified at present for its replacement. The Old Oak and Park Royal Development Corporation (OPDC) had been approached for S106 funding .



Stephen Waley-Cohen, Co-opted Member commented that the play equipment facility had not been in place for very long. He asked for further clarification to be provided on the reasons why this facility was defected and if the contractors had any potential liability for this. Steve Hollingworth to circulate an update on this.


Action: Steve Hollingworth


Steve Hollingworth noted that at the last meeting the Trust requested that the potholes in the access road from the Scrubs were addressed. Officers recommended that the Trust take legal advice to document changes so that at the end of the licence KAA do all the other reinstatement works required. Officers recommended that £75,000 was made available to fund these works of which £25,000 would be funded by KAA.


The Chair noted that from her understanding the original discussions indicated that KAA would fund the entire set of works. Therefore, asked that further discussions be held with KKA around funding before a decision could be made.


The Committee unanimously agreed to delegate authority to the Chair to approve the funding for the access road once further discussions had been held with KAA.



Steve Hollingworth noted that no events had been held at the Scrubs during the Covid-19 pandemic. However, Council officers were talking to a reputable event’s organiser within the London area called Slammin Events about the possibility of using the Scrubs for festivals and events in the future. If Members of the Trust would like to take this forward, a representative of Slammin Events would be happy to attend the next meeting to provide more detail and discuss consultation and mitigation strategies, to move things forward.


Councillor Helen Rowbottom asked for further clarification on the types of events that could be hosted on the Scrubs and requested an update on Secret Cinema. In response Steve Hollingworth provided an overview on the process for inviting event organisations to bid and host events on the Scrubs. Council officers had been trying to re-engage with Secret Cinema, however had not received a response. Slammin Events were keen to host a smaller event at the Scrubs and ensure the appropriate mitigation actions were in place.


Members said that whilst this was a good opportunity to increase our revenue, we needed to be mindful of the types of events that were held at the Scrubs. Therefore, all expressions of interest were welcome to explore a range of different options, most appropriate for the Scrubs.



Audit - Update on the 2018/19 and 2019/20 Accounts

Statement of Accounts 2018/19

Christopher Harris, Advisor to the Trust  noted that the 2018/19 accounts were proceeding through final internal review procedures with the external auditor. The impact of Covid-19 had meant additional processes had to be followed, including completion of a ‘going-concern’ assessment which had, unfortunately, delayed progress.  Subject to any final audit queries arising the accounts should proceed to signing stage presently. The net revenue (surplus) position for 2018/19, as reported to committee, remained unchanged at £226,944.


The final audited 2018/19 Financial Accounts would be approved by Stephen Hollingworth in consultation with the Chair once they were ready as per the delegation at the January Committee.


Statement of Accounts 2019/20 and Appointment of Auditors

Christopher Harris, Advisor to the Trust noted that the 2019/20 accounts were awaiting audit. The net revenue (surplus) position for 2019/20 was calculated at £141,940.  


The Trust was required to appoint auditors for the financial year 2019/20.  Subject to confirmation of final legal advice, The Trust was asked to approve an audit procurement and appointment strategy as follows:


·       An advisor-led audit appointment panel to be created and the membership of this panel to be agreed by the Chair;

·       A minimum of three quotes to be obtained via the Council’s e-Sourcing system;

·       Subject to the auditor meeting the minimum statutory and regulatory requirements concerning their appropriateness to undertake audit, an assessment to be undertaken with regard to appropriate advice and guidance and based on a price/quality ratio of 50:50;

·       The appointment panel would review the quotes and make a recommendation to Chair;

·       The Chair will confirm final appointment and report that decision to the Committee.


The Committee approved the audit procurement strategy for 2019.20 as set out above.


Financial Forecast 2020/21

Carmen Lomotey, Advisor to the Trust, provided an overview of the financial forecast. The budget for 2020/21 was set with an anticipated surplus of £103,864 to be added to the Trust’s reserves. The current forecast (as at 25th September 2020) was a much-reduced surplus of £7,186, which was £96,678 worse than budget. The main reason for this was reduced parking income; forecasted underspends had, however, reduced the impact.


Carmen Lomotey, Advisor to the Trust noted that the 2020/21 income budget was set at £975,164. However, the current forecast was £113,733 less than this, at £861,430. 

Income from pay and display and parking meters had increased since the introduction of cashless parking, but the Covid-19 lockdown had significantly impacted on income since March 2020. Although the 2020 budget was set at a cautious £300,000 (£51,834 less than the 2018/19 outturn), the current forecast for parking income was £120,391 than budgeted. Forecasted at only £179,609, parking income was 49% and 45% less than the 2018/19 and 2019/20 outturns, respectively. Monthly income loss peaked in April (74%), steadily decreased May to July, but increased slightly again in August (43%) as set out on page 7 of the Manger’s Report.

The Chair asked if the parking income figures for September/October were significantly different compared to previous months. In response Carmen Lomotey noted that these  figures would be available from the parking service team next week.

Miriam Shea, Co-opted Member noted that it would be worth considering as an option to introduce parking charges for the Hospital and Scrubs Lane carparks 7 days a week.

Action: Carmen Lomotey

Governance costs

The Committee noted that it would be useful to understand in more detail what the governance costs were and how much the Trust contributed towards the costs of borough services. In response Carmen Lomotey noted that the governance costs were outlined on page 7 of the Manager’s Report and these were the only costs payable by the Trust.


That the Committee:

1.                 Approved a budget of up to £75,000 per year for up to two years to create and fund a suitable post as a project manager for the Trust, to develop the long-term strategy and objectives and co-ordinate the day to day activities of the Trust, subject to reviewing the job description and a map of the governance arrangements for the Trust.

2.                 Delegated to the Trust manager in consultation with the Chair of the Trust to develop a person specification and complete a recruitment process

3.                 Requested Council officers to appoint legal advice to reword the licence with KAA.

4.                 Agreed to delegate authority to the Chair to approve a budget of up to £75,000 for the resurfacing and repair of the access road from Scrubs lane, subject to further discussions being held with KAA regarding funding.

5.                 noted the audit update and approved the audit procurement strategy for 2019/20 (as set out in para 9.3)

6.                 Noted the 2020/21 Financial Forecast and all other matters in the report



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