Agenda item

Caretaker's House, Fulham Primary School, Halford Road, London SW6 1JU, Fulham Broadway, 2019/03452/FR3


Please see the Addendum attached to the minutes which amended the report.


Councillor Matt Thorley declared a pecuniary interest in respect of this item, as he was a Governor at Fulham Primary School. He left the meeting for the item and did not vote on the application.


In the course of discussions, three amendments and a new condition were proposed by Members of the Committee. The discussion and vote on this item were postponed to the end of the meeting to allow the Planning Officer time to draft the proposals.


Councillor Alex Karmel proposed two amendments as follows:


1.   To add to the end of Condition 3 “teaching assistants and other key workers employed in a school within the borough”.

2.   To delete Condition 4.


Both proposed amendments were not seconded by another Councillor and were therefore not put to vote.


Councillor Wesley Harcourt proposed the following new condition, which was seconded by Councillor Alex Karmel:


The HMO use hereby permitted shall only be carried out by the London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham.


The use of the property in an alternative ownership as a house in multiple occupation would raise materially different planning considerations that the Council would wish to consider at that time, to protect the existing amenities of the occupiers of the neighbouring school, as a result of overlooking and loss of privacy, in accordance with Policy HO11 and DC4 of the Local Plan 2018 and SPD Housing Standards Key Principle 8 of the Planning Guidance Supplementary Planning 2018.


The Committee voted on the proposed new condition for application 2019/03452/FR3 as follows:






Not Voting:



The proposed new condition was carried.


Councillor Colin Aherne proposed the following amendment, which was seconded by Councillor Alex Karmel:


Delete condition 14 and replace with:

“Prior to occupation of the development hereby approved the windows to the eastern elevation shall be obscured glazed and permanently maintained thereafter as obscured glazed”. 


To protect the existing amenities of the occupiers of the neighbouring school, as a result of overlooking and loss of privacy, in accordance with Policy HO11 and DC4 of the Local Plan 2018 and SPD Housing Standards Key Principle 8 of the Planning Guidance Supplementary Planning 2018.


The Committee voted on the proposed amendment for application 2019/03452/FR3 as follows:






Not Voting:




The proposed amendment was carried.



The Committee voted on the recommendation for application 2019/03452/FR3 as follows:


Officer Recommendation 1






Not Voting:



Officer Recommendation 2






Not Voting:





                                                                                                   Planning Application 2019/03452/FR3be approved, subject to:


1.   That the Chief Planning Officer be authorised to grant planning permission subject to the conditions listed in the report, subject to the Addendum and the new conditions and amendment as agreed.


2. That the Chief Planning Officer after consultation with the Head of Law and the Chair of the Planning and Development Control Committee be authorised to make any minor changes to the proposed conditions, which may include the variation, addition or deletion of conditions, any such changes shall be within their discretion.



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